Category: Marketing


Should You Use a Logo On your Direct Mail Letters?

It’s surprising the number of businesses that don’t have a logo for their marketing campaigns. They may use a generic look for ads. Maybe they’re hoping to save money or they just haven’t been...


How You Can Benefit from List Scrubbing

List scrubbing is an important part of any marketing campaign. If you’ve never considered this service, you may not realize how much money you’re wasting with your direct mail and how much you could...


Why Direct Mail Works for Probate Leads

Real estate probates are a great niche to invest in. However, many real estate investors find probates to be a very challenging niche. In general, probate prospects are sensitive and grieving…so what is the...


Postcards or Letters: Which Mailer is better for you?

What should I send out to potential sellers, postcards or letters? If you’re asking this question, you’re not alone. It’s one we get all the time and we’re ready to give you a thorough...


Feeling the Love for Direct Mail

  We Love our customers and Real Estate family: With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we wanted to show some love to all of our customers and everyone involved in our direct mail and real...