The more times you interact with a prospect, the more likely they will respond with positive results. A multi-touch campaign is more effective for reaching leads than just a single mailer. However, you can...
Targeted Mail Direct mail works best when it’s targeted to the right audience. Lead generation tools allow you to track potential sellers based on behavior and not just on location. This feature increases the...
One of the easiest ways to increase conversions for your direct mail campaigns is by personalization. When you personalize your mailers, it increases the likelihood that they will get opened and read. Here are...
When it comes to direct to seller marketing, you’ll discover several important components. The headline captures the attention of your audience, while the format keeps them from getting bored. Bullet lists hold their interest...
We’ve made it our business to equip you with the right tools to reach the summit of the Direct Mail Mountain like a pro. Keeping the following four steps in mind as you build...
Are you taking steps to make your direct mail campaign a success?Open Letter Marketing has been in the game for awhile now and we’ve found out what it takes to level up. Several factors...
Announcer: Welcome to the Real Dealz Podcast! The consistently #1 real estate investing podcast on iTunes. This is the place to be in order to transform yourself from a hopeful investor to a highly...
If you have ever browsed the Open Letter Marketing website it wouldn’t take you long to figure out that we do not carry yellow letters. This is why: When yellow letters for real estate...