Feeling the Love for Direct Mail

 Image result for valentines mail photo

We Love our customers and Real Estate family:

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner we wanted to show some love to all of our customers and everyone involved in our direct mail and real estate family. We always appreciate our customers and love getting feedback, advice, and ideas from people who are using us for direct mail. If you have any thoughts or suggestions reach out and let us know! mckinley@openlettermarketing.com

Direct Mail Tip of the Month:

What’s the difference between first class and standard mail you ask? First class mail takes 4-6 business days to hit standard mail takes 1-3 weeks. First class also ensures that you get returned mail as well, whereas standard you do not. Tip: If you are testing out a new lead list, use first class mail for your initial mailing and you will get returned mail to weed out the bad addresses. Then to stay under budget switch to standard mail to save some money.

Friendly Reminder: Click Save for Easy Checkout:

We enabled a new feature on our website so that you can save your credit card information to make check out easy and fast. Just click Save info when prompted.

Share the LOVE:

Let us know how you feel about Open Letter Marketing by checking us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OpenLetterMktg We really do enjoy hearing from you <3 Cheers and warm wishes, Open Letter Marketing Team

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