Category: Best Practices


Why Should I Send Real Estate Postcards? 

Real estate postcards have been used for decades as a powerful marketing tool to connect with property owners, promote businesses, and generate leads. In today’s digital age, it may seem like direct mail marketing is a thing of the past, but real estate postcards are still an effective way to connect with motivated sellers. 


5 Ways To Get More Real Estate Leads

If you are a real estate investor, your leads list is the lifeblood of your business – and your ability to turn leads into deals will determine whether or not you are successful at what you do. But before you can start making deals, you need to be able to build high-quality prospects and leads lists that will propel your business forward.


Do I need a Logo?

Surprisingly, a large number of real estate investors don’t have a professional logo as part of their direct mail or other marketing strategies. They are often individuals who work with a team, but even...

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